Prioritizing Tasks With Celery and Redis

Task prioritization can be an effective technique to ensure the most critical tasks are processed in time. There are other ways to achieve this, like using dedicated workers, but prioritizing is arguably the simplest, and in many cases, the most cost-effective approach. Celery supports task prioritization natively, but it works differently depending on the broker you use. If you use RabbitMQ, for example, prioritizing will be handled on the broker side, meaning that the broker will decide which message to deliver first.

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Use autospeccing for your mocks in Python

Mocks are a powerful concept in testing. They are one of several types of test doubles, which are objects that can be used in place of real objects in your tests. Mocks are used to isolate the code under test from the rest of the system, and to verify that the code under test interacts with its dependencies correctly. However, if not used properly, mocks can lead to false positives in your tests.

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The truth about becoming a self-taught software engineer

I graduated from a university with a degree in Finance and immediately started my career in investment banking. After about 7 years of working in the industry, the realization came to me that it wasn’t for me. So in my late 20s I decided to change my career path completely and become a software engineer. I did not have much time nor motivation to obtain another college degree, so I decided to take self learning path.

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Supercharge Your Python TDD Workflow With pytest-watcher

If you follow the Test-driven Development practice in your Python projects, you need to run your test suite often. Having to run it manually can become tedious. You can configure handy shortcuts in your favorite IDE to make the process easier. But there is even better way using pytest-watcher. What is pytest-watcher? pytest-watcher is a continuous test runner for Python projects that reruns your tests whenever you change a *.py file inside your project.

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Unlocking the power of asyncio Semaphore

When building asynchronous applications, oftentimes you need to limit the number of simultaneous connections to a shared resource. It can be your internal server, or an API that has usage limits. asyncio library provides a dedicated synchronization primitive Semaphore created exactly for this purpose. However, let’s first try to solve this problem without using it, in order to fully appreciate the value of this mechanism. We can limit the number of simultaneous connections by using a counter variable that will be incremented whenever we start making a request and decremented when we receive our response.

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Advent of Code vs LeetCode

I recently discovered the Advent of Code project for myself and I absolutely loved it. At first glance, it seemed similar to solving Leetcode problems. However, after trying it for a few days now I realized that I like the experience much more. In this short blog post I’ll try to break down main advantages that I see over Leetcode: No online editor You don’t have to use the poor built-in online editor.

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A better way to prepare for your coding interviews

I recently started applying to Big Tech companies, and as a result, I ended up solving a lot of LeetCode problems (284 problems at the time of writing this blog post). During the preparation process, it became clear to me why so many developers argue about the broken state of the tech interviewing process. Solving LeetCode problems takes a significant amount of time and energy that could otherwise be spent on building projects.

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Optimizing your Django tests

If you are working on a large Django project, you probably have lots of automated tests running as part of your CI/CD process. As long as tests run fast, everyone is happy. But as your application grows in complexity, your tests start to take more and more time to run and eventually become a real bottleneck. In this post, I will share some ideas that can help you optimize runtime of your test suite.

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Why Flask will teach you more about software engineering than Django

Intro I started my journey in back-end development with Django. That was the first framework that I’ve learned right after familiarizing myself with a bit of Python programming language. Pretty soon I was able to write simple web applications with it. I was so fascinated by the fact that I can build a full-featured website in a couple of days or sometimes hours depending on project complexity. I remember trying Flask for a couple of pet projects.

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